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  • The Power of Recurring Revenue: Why Your Ecommerce Team Should Focus on Repurchase Rate
replenit September 11, 2024 0 Comments

In today’s competitive ecommerce market, customer retention has become the key to long-term profitability. While attracting new customers is important, focusing on repurchase rates can unlock the door to more sustainable and predictable growth. According to a study by Bain & Company, increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can boost profits by 25% to 95%. This highlights the importance of converting one-time buyers into repeat customers, driving recurring revenue that stabilizes your business.

At Replenit, we specialize in helping ecommerce brands harness the power of repurchase by understanding user purchase behavior and engaging customers at the optimal moment through personalized email, SMS, and app push triggers. In this blog, we’ll explore why focusing on repurchase rates is crucial for your ecommerce business and how data-driven insights can maximize recurring revenue.

Why Repurchase Rate Matters

Your ecommerce team likely focuses heavily on customer acquisition, but let’s consider this: it costs 5 to 25 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one, according to the Harvard Business Review. Repurchasing customers, on the other hand, offer a far greater return on investment. Here’s why boosting your repurchase rate should be a key strategic priority:

  1. Higher Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Research by Adobe found that returning customers spend 67% more than new customers. The more frequently customers return, the higher their CLV—leading to greater profitability over time.
  2. Lower Marketing Spend: Once a customer has already bought from you, they are more likely to return with minimal marketing effort. Repeat customers have a 60% to 70% chance of converting again compared to the 5% to 20% likelihood of converting a new prospect.
  3. Revenue Predictability: As ecommerce businesses scale, having predictable revenue is critical. According to a report by, brands that focus on repeat customers generate 40% of their revenue from just 8% of their customer base. By improving your repurchase rate, you create a more stable and predictable flow of revenue, even in challenging economic conditions.

Understanding Purchase Behavior: Unlocking Repurchase Potential

The first step to boosting repurchase rates is understanding your customers’ purchase behavior. When do they typically return? What triggers their decision to buy again? At Replenit, we utilize machine learning and advanced analytics to track customer behavior, such as browsing history, past purchases, and product preferences.

Our platform can predict when a customer is most likely to make their next purchase, allowing your brand to deliver timely and relevant messaging. A study by Barilliance found that personalized product recommendations can increase conversion rates by up to 5.5 times, making data-driven insights critical to increasing repurchases.

Triggering Recurring Revenue with Automated Messaging

Once you understand your customers’ buying behavior, the next step is reaching them at the right moment through the most effective channels. Triggered messages—such as personalized emails, SMS, and app push notifications—are powerful tools for driving repurchases. In fact, triggered emails alone can generate up to 624% higher conversion rates compared to standard email campaigns, according to research by Experian.

Here’s how each channel can drive repeat purchases:

  • Email: Emails remain the most effective way to engage customers, with an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, according to Litmus. Automated email triggers, such as product reminders, restock alerts, or personalized offers, ensure your message reaches customers exactly when they’re ready to purchase again.
  • SMS: SMS marketing boasts an open rate of 98%, making it an ideal way to capture attention for time-sensitive messages. Whether it’s reminding a customer about a previous purchase or offering a limited-time discount, SMS provides a direct line to your audience.
  • App Push: Push notifications offer a more dynamic way to engage mobile app users, with studies showing that they can increase retention rates by 88%. Push notifications allow you to reach customers instantly with product restocks, special promotions, or personalized messages that encourage repurchases.

By automating these triggers with Replenit, you ensure that your brand engages customers at precisely the right moment—building trust, driving conversions, and increasing repurchases.

Best Practices for Maximizing Repurchase Rate

To get the most out of your repurchase strategy, consider these best practices:

  1. Customer Segmentation: Segmenting your audience based on factors like order history, frequency of purchase, or spending behavior allows you to create personalized campaigns for different customer groups. Research from Mailchimp found that segmented campaigns have an open rate that is 14.31% higher than non-segmented campaigns.
  2. Incentivize Repeat Purchases: Providing incentives, such as loyalty points, discounts, or exclusive offers, can significantly boost repurchase rates. In fact, 84% of customers say they are more likely to stick with a brand that offers a loyalty program, according to a report by Bond Brand Loyalty.
  3. Optimize Timing: Timing is everything when it comes to repeat purchases. By analyzing customer data and identifying the optimal time to send your messages, you can maximize engagement. A study by Omnisend showed that timing-triggered emails had an average order rate of 3.6 times higher than non-triggered emails.
  4. Personalize, Personalize, Personalize: Today’s customers expect personalized experiences, and brands that offer tailored recommendations see a 20% increase in sales, according to McKinsey. Whether it’s suggesting complementary products or offering customized discounts, personalization is key to driving repeat business.


Recurring revenue is the lifeblood of any successful ecommerce business, and increasing your repurchase rate is the key to unlocking this powerful revenue stream. By understanding customer behavior and leveraging personalized triggers through email, SMS, and push notifications, your ecommerce team can drive repeat purchases, lower customer acquisition costs, and create a more predictable revenue flow.

At Replenit, we help ecommerce businesses turn one-time buyers into loyal customers by delivering the right message at the right time. Let us help you build a data-driven strategy that increases repurchase rates, boosts customer loyalty, and ensures long-term success