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Status and Settings

  1. Status
    • Active/Passive: Indicates whether the replenishment campaign is currently active or passive.
    • Usage: Review the current status to understand if the campaign is active or paused.
  2. AI Intensity
    • User Prone/AI Prone: Shows the level of AI involvement in predicting user behavior related to replenishment.
    • Usage:
      • User Prone: Indicates less AI involvement, relying more on user-defined rules.
      • AI Prone: Indicates higher AI involvement, leveraging AI algorithms to predict and manage replenishments.
  3. Channel Priority
    • Email First/SMS First: Specifies the order of communication channels.
    • Usage:
      • Email First: Indicates that replenishment messages are prioritized via email before other channels.
      • SMS First: Indicates that replenishment messages are prioritized via SMS before other channels.
  4. Send Time
    • Up to 30 Days: Shows how many days in advance the replenishment messages are scheduled to be sent.
    • Usage: Review the send time to understand when messages will be sent relative to the expected need.