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  1. API Connections
    • Customer Data
      • Description: Review the API endpoints for ingesting customer data into Replenit.
      • API List:
        • User Upsert (POST): Endpoint to update or insert user data.
        • Bulk User Upsert (POST): Endpoint to bulk update or insert user data.
        • User Update Identifier (Email) (POST): Endpoint to update user identifier using email.
        • User Update Identifier (User ID) (POST): Endpoint to update user identifier using user ID.
        • Delete User API (DELETE): Endpoint to delete user data.
For further details and Developer Guide please refer to the Developer Guide Section
  • Transactional Data
    • Description: Review the API endpoints for ingesting transactional data into Replenit.
    • API List:
      • Upsert Transaction Single (POST): Endpoint to insert or update a single transaction.
      • Upsert Transaction Bulk/Historical (POST): Endpoint to bulk insert or update transactions.
      • Delete Transaction (DELETE): Endpoint to delete transaction data.
For further details and Developer Guide please refer to the Developer Guide Section
  • Product Data
    • Description: Review the API endpoints for ingesting product data into Replenit.
    • API List:
      • Product Ingest (POST): Endpoint to insert new product data.
      • Product Update (POST): Endpoint to update existing product data.
      • Product Delete (DELETE): Endpoint to delete product data.
For further details and Developer Guide please refer to the Developer Guide Section
  1. Channel Enablement
    • Description: Review and manage the enablement of messaging channels for triggering the mechanism of Replenit.
    • How to Navigate: Click on the “Channel Enablement” button to view and manage the status of different communication channels. This section allows you to configure how emails are sent, either through Replenit’s marketing automation or the client’s integrated tech stack.

  1. Panel Users
    • User Management
      • Description: Manage panel user settings and permissions.
      • How to Navigate: Click on the “User Management” button to view and manage user settings and permissions.
To add/remove users, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for assistance.