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2. Integration Phase Checklist

  • iÅŸaretlenmediSigning off Data Dictionary ,
    • iÅŸaretlenmediAgreeing on the user primary identifier. PS: Please note that any non-PI identifier should be available in all the channels (Email & SMS & Whatsapp & App Push) you intent or potentially intent to run on
    • iÅŸaretlenmediRequired User Attributes List Sign Off (Identifier, Opt-in Status…)
    • iÅŸaretlenmediRequired Purchase Event and Parameters Sign Off (Currency, Price, Quantity, SKU, Time Stamp..)
    • iÅŸaretlenmediRequired Product Attributes List Sign Off (Name & URL & SKU & Image…)
  • iÅŸaretlenmediCompleting Transaction Data Ingestion via Upsert API ,
    • iÅŸaretlenmediSign off the API triggering events (Purchase & Return & Not Delivered…) , 
    • iÅŸaretlenmediSign off the Historical API payload Scheme and Fields , , 
  • iÅŸaretlenmediClient to set-up the Upsert API connection for the historical transactional data with required fields (To the API endpoint shared during Pre Integration Phase)
    • iÅŸaretlenmediEngineering to confirm the API connection stability , table format and triggering events 
  • iÅŸaretlenmediCompleting User Data(Attributes) Ingestion via Upsert API,
    • iÅŸaretlenmediSign off the API triggering events (User Added, Opt-in Status Updated, User Removed…) , 
    • iÅŸaretlenmediSign of the User API payload Scheme and Fields , , 
  • iÅŸaretlenmediClient to set-up the Upsert API connection for the user data with required fields (To the API endpoint shared during Pre Integration Phase
    • iÅŸaretlenmediReplenit to confirm the API connection stability , table format and triggering events
  • iÅŸaretlenmediCompleting Product Data (Attributes) Ingestion via the decided methodology (CSV or API),
    • iÅŸaretlenmediProduct feed as a CSV File 
    • iÅŸaretlenmediProduct feed via Product Catalog API , 
    • iÅŸaretlenmediSign off the Triggering Frequency (Daily, 12 hours interval etc.) and Events for Product Catalog API (Product Added, Product Removed, Attribute Changes), 
    • iÅŸaretlenmediSign off the Product Catalog API Payloads and Fields , , 
    • iÅŸaretlenmediClient to set-up the Product Catalog API connection for the product data with required fields (To the API endpoint shared during Pre Integration Phase
      • iÅŸaretlenmediReplenit to confirm the API connection stability, table format and triggering events
    • iÅŸaretlenmediClient Level QA from the Data Integrity and API health-score page at the platform ,
      • iÅŸaretlenmediSigning of the Replenishment Algorithm for SKU and User Level duration calculation, , 
      • iÅŸaretlenmediRun the model for SKU level replenishment duration for every SKU, 
      • iÅŸaretlenmediRun the model for User level replenishment duration for every User,Â